"Caídas de lluvia Sobre Tanto el Sabio y el Tonto"
Stephen Nelson
Stephen Nelson is a Scottish poet and musician. He has published in magazines such as Jacket2, Otoliths, Moria, Eratio and The Adirondack Review, and exhibited visual poetry internationally. His books include Thorn Corners (erbacce-press), Lunar Poems for New Religions (Knives, Forks and Spoons Press) and YesYesY (Little Red Leaves Textile Series). One of his poems recently featured in The Sunday Times Poet’s Corner; another is about to feature in The Poet’s Quest for God Anthology (Eyewear). He was a contributor to The Last Vispo Anthology (Fantagraphics Books) and blogs visual poems at www.afterlights-vispo.tumblr.
"Todo està Lleno de amor" (Björk)